What Is The Minyan Maker App?
The Minyan Maker App displays in real time the current status of your minyan allowing users to “check in” with “This Tzadik Is Here”, “On My Way Now”, or “Sorry Not Available”. With admin rights you can call or text personalised messages to single members or the entire roster with a single click of a button. Saving time, energy and frustration.
Why You Need The Minyan Maker?
Our Minyan Maker tool enables the Rabbi (or administrator) at the click of a button to reach out to their entire congregation and know within moments if they’ll have a minyan on time or not. The roster members receive a text (with a link to the app) and can update their status, informing the Rabbi of whether they will be a tzadik today or not. This will revolutionize the ancient and aggravating uncertainty of knowing who is planning to attend the minyan and who is not. This also allows the person who might have to leave work early, thinking they are needed to make a minyan, to check in real time for who is already there, and who is on the way.